How to do affiliate marketing on Instagram

Written by BLOGDAY Updated at Aug 16, 2024 Reading time: 3

This course is made by DHgate E-learning Official. Purchases made here will get personal support from DHgate professional mentor team.


It is highly recommended that you have a DHgate affiliate account before you sign up for this course. Find the sign-up link from our public profile website.


This is a beginner course, meaning you don’t need any pre-existing knowledge, a specific degree or years of work experience. This course is open to everyone, as long as you are willing to learn and experiment.


The fact that you are checking out the intro to this course means that you are already taking the first step toward learning more about how to do affiliate marketing on Instagram. That’s a great start, keep going!



If you have yet to successfully make a single dollar on Instagram as an affiliate marketer, this is the course that will help you to achieve that and more!


Specifically, What you will learn:

1) How to build an audience on Instagram

2) How to build your customer list as an affiliate

3) How to generate revenue from your affiliate business

4) Building effective landing pages

5) The art of beating the Instagram algorithm

6) How to create content that resonates with your audience and drives sales


No previous Affiliate Marketing knowledge or experience is required. This course is open to everyone, as long as you are All the methods in this course will be broken into practical steps that are easy for you to understand and follow.


Above all, if you get stuck or experience any difficulties along the way, you won't ever have to struggle on your own and worry about having no one to turn to for help.


Because once you enrol yourself as a student of this course, you will receive continuous support from the DHgate E-learning official – with no expiry. We will be here to answer all your questions whenever you need help.

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