Free Grammar in English

Written by BLOGDAY Updated at May 30, 2024 Reading time: 3

"Free English Grammar" is a comprehensive resource created to provide English language learners a deep comprehension of the basic rules of grammar. This book, which is 488 pages long and full with insightful exercises, is a must-have resource for anybody looking to improve their English language skills. This book is appropriate for a variety of learners, from the novice attempting to grasp the fundamentals to the expert looking to improve your abilities. 
Pages: 488

Publication Year: 2005

File Size: 1.96 MB

Language: English

Chapter 1: English Grammar Foundations 

Starting with the fundamentals of English grammar, the book goes on. Sentence structure, fundamental grammar, and components of speech are among the subjects covered. Readers are given a thorough knowledge of the structure of English sentences and the functions of various parts of speech through concise explanations and illustrated examples. 

Chapter 2: Conjugation and Verb Tenses 

The accurate use of verb tenses is one of the fundamentals of English grammar. The nuances of verb conjugation are covered in full in this chapter, along with exercises, examples, and thorough explanations for each tense. Learners are guided through the subtleties of effectively expressing time and action in English, starting with simple present tense and moving on to complicated conditional forms.

Chapter 3: Determiners, Pronouns, and Nouns 

Building on the groundwork laid in previous chapters, this part examines the different categories of English nouns, pronouns, and determiners. As they master the recognition and use of these fundamental linguistic elements, readers acquire knowledge on subjects like pronoun reference, noun agreement, and the function of determiners in noun specification.

Chapter 4: Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs play crucial roles in providing description and modifying other parts of speech. This chapter offers comprehensive coverage of these elements, elucidating their functions and demonstrating their usage through numerous examples. Readers learn how to differentiate between adjectives and adverbs, understand degrees of comparison, and employ these modifiers to enhance their writing and communication skills.

Chapter 5: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

Prepositions serve as connective links within sentences, indicating relationships in time, space, and logic. In this chapter, learners explore the diverse array of prepositions in English and discover how they combine with nouns and pronouns to form prepositional phrases. Through engaging exercises and practical examples, readers develop a deeper understanding of how prepositions contribute to clarity and coherence in communication.

Chapter 6: Conjunctions and Interjections

Conjunctions and interjections are vital tools for structuring sentences and expressing emotions or reactions. This section examines the various types of conjunctions, such as coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions, along with common interjections used in English. By mastering these elements, learners gain greater control over the flow and tone of their writing and speech.

Chapter 7: Sentence Structure and Syntax

Understanding sentence structure and syntax is essential for crafting clear, coherent communication. This chapter explores the principles of sentence construction, including subjects, predicates, clauses, and sentence types. Readers learn how to create grammatically correct sentences while employing diverse sentence structures to convey meaning effectively.

Chapter 8: Punctuation and Mechanics

Correct punctuation is vital for conveying meaning accurately and enhancing readability. In this chapter, learners delve into the rules and conventions governing punctuation marks such as commas, periods, semicolons, and quotation marks. Additionally, the book addresses common mechanical issues, such as capitalization and spelling, to help readers refine their written expression.

Chapter 9: Common Grammar Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

Even proficient speakers and writers encounter grammar challenges from time to time. This final chapter identifies common pitfalls and errors in English grammar, offering practical strategies for avoiding and correcting them. Through targeted exercises and diagnostic quizzes, learners can assess their understanding and address areas needing improvement.


A thorough manual for understanding the nuances of English grammar is "Free English Grammar." Through its lucid explanations, many examples, and varied tasks, the book gives students the information and abilities they need to communicate well in English. This book equips students of all skill levels to use language more accurately and fluently, whether they are using it as a self-study tool or as an addition to their classroom instruction.




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