Everyday English

Written by BLOGDAY Updated at Aug 16, 2024 Reading time: 3


A computer, or a tablet, or a phone with good speakers or headphones. (So you can hear the pronunciation very clearly).

Organisation. Plan a specific time each day/week where you can fully focus on this course

Pen/paper to note down key words

An interest in different ways of learning


This course is made up of:

1. Basic everyday English

2. Unusual words that are to encourage you to research

3. Insults that will gain your interest!

4. Numerous short films where you are asked if you fully understand them


Many English courses will have (1). Some will have (2) and (3)...maybe...

But...no other course will include short films where the writer/director/main actor is part of this course. This means that when you are asked if you understand the film you can actually discuss the film with someone who was part of its creation!

And it is through discussion that you will really learn English!

The course is called 'Everyday' and is broken down into one main lecture a day. Therefore on Monday you watch - and do the homework from - the Monday lecture. On Tuesday you do the Tuesday lecture etc.

After a week you can repeat and discuss the words, usage, film, scripts etc in greater depth.

So the key really is discussion in the Q/A.

Each 'day' of lectures is between 10 and 25 minutes long. Plenty long enough for you to become involved but also short enough so you can watch in your break at work or your break in other study. The lectures have layers of understanding and depth so you can watch again - and discuss some more. The more you join in, the more you will learn!

Who this course is for:




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