Selling on eBay Complete Course - Start an eBay Business

Written by BLOGDAY Updated at Jun 19, 2024 Reading time: 5

No prior knowledge or experience of selling online is required before starting this course. You will, however, require basic computer and internet skills.
A computer with an internet connection! You will also need a text editor (e.g. Microsoft word or Google Docs) and a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft excel or Google sheets).
Learn how to make the most of selling on eBay – one of the world's largest online marketplaces and a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs.

Start an eBay business and boost your income, or escape the 9-to-5! You don't need any prior knowledge of eBay or any technical skills - if you can use a web browser, you are good to go!!

This course is presented by Trevor Ginn, a successful online retailing entrepreneur who runs an eBay business that sells over $500K/year. Trevor Ginn has over 10 years of experience selling on eBay. He will show you how to:

Open an eBay account

Create Optimised eBay listings that convert

Get to the top of eBay's Best Match search results

Manage orders

Monitor your performance metrics

Run a successful eBay promoted listing campaign

Expand internationally

Each section has a written course summary, and once purchased, this course is available to students forever.

Course content and overview

If you are an eBay newbie looking to take your first step to financial independence or an experienced eBay seller looking to improve your sales, this course is for you. You will learn about selling on eBay from start to finish. The course comprises 9 detailed sections, each tackling an aspect of the eBay selling platform. In the end, you will be able to:

Create new products with keyword-rich content

Optimise your listings for performance in eBay search

Advertise products using eBay promoted listings

Manage customers and orders and maintain a great feedback score

This course distils the instructor’s enormous experience of eBay and selling online into 30+ digestible lessons. He is always happy to answer email questions and loves hearing from students.

À qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?
This course is suitable people who are new to eBay but will also be of interest to existing sellers who are looking to improve their sales.
This course includes downloadable guides which are a great reference for sellers of all abilities.





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