Quran in English

Written by BLOGDAY Updated at Aug 16, 2024 Reading time: 4

The "Quran in English" is an essential resource for anyone looking to explore the sacred text of Islam in a language they understand. This comprehensive translation aims to provide readers with an accurate and faithful rendition of the original Arabic text, capturing the profound teachings, rich meanings, and spiritual essence of the Quran.

Structure and Content:


Surahs (Chapters) and Ayahs (Verses):

Thematic Insights:

Footnotes and Commentary:

Glossary and Index:

Reflections and Applications:

Objectives and Benefits:

The "Quran in English" is more than just a translation; it is a comprehensive guide that opens the door to the profound wisdom and guidance of the Quran, making it an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to explore and understand the core message of Islam.




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